Friday, April 10, 2015

Next Phase of the Design Process.

Hey ya'll! So this project is still in the concepts stage though it has been gestating for years. If I really want to move on it, I've got to actually make something. So the task I'll be focusing on for the next indeterminate amount of time is doing sprite sheets for all the characters. This might be the most immense aspect of the project from the artistic standpoint considering the number of characters that will be done. The list of characters on the docket are as follows:

  1. Warrior of Light
  2. Firion
  3. Maria
  4. Guy
  5. Leon
  6. Luneth (Freelancer & Onion Knight)
  7. Arc (Freelancer & Onion Knight)
  8. Refia (Freelancer & Onion Knight)
  9. Ingus (Freelancer & Onion Knight)
  10. Cecil (Dark Knight & Paladin)
  11. Kain
  12. Rydia (Adult Only)
  13. Rosa
  14. Edge
  15. Bartz (Freelancer)
  16. Lenna (Freelancer)
  17. Galuf (Freelancer)
  18. Faris (Freelancer)
  19. Krile (Freelancer)
  20. Terra (Normal & Esper Form)
  21. Locke
  22. Cyan
  23. Shadow
  24. Edgar
  25. Sabin
  26. Celes
  27. Strago
  28. Relm
  29. Setzer
  30. Mog
  31. Gau
  32. Umaro
  33. Gogo
  34. Coud
  35. Barret
  36. Tifa
  37. Aerith
  38. Red XIII
  39. Yuffie
  40. Cait Sith
  41. Vincent
  42. Cid Highwind
  43. Squall
  44. Rinoa
  45. Quistis
  46. Zell
  47. Selphie
  48. Irvine
  49. Zidane
  50. Vivi
  51. Steiner
  52. Garnet
  53. Freya
  54. Quina
  55. Eiko
  56. Amarant
  57. Tidus
  58. Auron
  59. Rikku
  60. Wakka
  61. Yuna
  62. Lulu
  63. Kimahri
  64. Shantotto
  65. Prishe
  66. Vaan
  67. Penelo
  68. Balthier
  69. Fran
  70. Ashe
  71. Basch
  72. Lightning
  73. Snow
  74. Vanille
  75. Sazh
  76. Hope
  77. Fang
  78. Y'shtola
  79. Noctis
And that's not even all of them, nor does this include all the guest characters, NPC's, and the villains that need to be done as well. This is merely the first "essential" batch that needs to be done before further lists can be compiled and executed. For those of you that don't know what goes into a sprite sheet, it's basically this:
BTW, good news: cloud is already done (Thank you original Final Fantasy Tactics). Evidently, it's not a swift process, but it CAN and WILL be done. Fortunately, fans of the series have incidentally made their own sprite sheets of characters that are already on this list. I would very much appreciate your contribution and permission to add your work to this collection. As a side note, thank you to all those at Final Fantasy Hacktics for inadvertently galvanizing the fan-base to make this project a possibility.
I will post later on a more complete list that will include more side characters and hopefully mor full-on characters. 

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